Monzoni Valley is in the Monzoni's mountains, that have a particoular geological history; in it is possible to find many kind and different minerals. The area gave the name to the mineral Fassaite.
The group is comprised mostly mountainous rocks and intrusive eruptive filoniane typical (for example monzonite) and contact metamorphic rocks, rich in minerals.
I was able to video this battle on a spur between chamois Alpine near glacial Selle Lake. Males challenge for possession of females with sound references and attitudes threatening, and like in this case you can see the spectacular shots of fighting in horns.
How can you reach these sites?
Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa of Refuge Taramelli
In Meida, Pozza di Fassa's hamlet, take the asphalt road that, going up the S. Nicolò Valley, lead to Crocifisso Hut; at the fork near the Hut, take the right way until you arrive in a parking at the beginning of Monzoni Valley. Here the way becomes steeper but it is always rather large, and it is also used by a comfortable taxi service. Than the road goes on a bit flatter and with a long straight stratch arrives at Refuge Monzoni (1792 meters) where you can have a taste of wonderful gastronomic specialities. Going on on the same way, after having gone up a little pasture, you can find on the right the path n° 604, with a very steep starting stretch. At the end of this slope, you arrive in a big valley, where an easy winding path lead to Refuge Vallaccia (2272 meters), placed under the homonymous peak. After a little and deserved break, you go down on the same path, but around 100 meters before the beginning of the final slope, take a little path on the right that, lead you under the summit of Refuge Taramelli (2046 meters), that you can easily reach with some sharp turns.
Sciretti Alberto is searching minerals; when the ice thaws, water can flow further into the rock. When the temperature drops below freezing point and the water freezes again, the ice enlarges the joints further. Repeated freeze-thaw action weakens the rocks which, over time, break up along the joints into angular pieces. The angular rock fragments gather at the foot of the slope to form a talus slope (or scree slope). The splitting of rocks along the joints into blocks is called block disintegration. The blocks of rocks that are detached are of various shapes depending on rock structure.
2 commenti:
Veramente bello questo scorcio sui monti! Il sito è stupendo, complimenti davvero. La mia mail è, se ci sono problemi con la mail scrivimi sul blog.
Ti aspetto
Un carissimo saluto
Giacomo sadlandscape
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